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Our services are developed to help you maintain as much independence as possible, whilst enjoying a good quality of life.

Family Homecare is the perfect choice if you would like help with certain activities during the day or night. Our service starts from just 30 minutes per care visit and can be extended to as many hours you require, day or night.

We provide all types of Domiciliary Care such as:

Help getting up and going to bed
Personal care
Preparing and cooking meals

The CQC spoke to people who used our service -

Is the service caring?

People who used the service or a relative had been involved in decisions about their care and support. Staff supported people and advised them, but allowed the person who used the service to make the final decision. Staff told us, "We always ask [people who used the service] what they want." A person who used the service told us, “They are brilliant, they are lovely to me.”( Inspection report )

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